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Translation of the word: to come in

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  english    german
  to come in
  hereinziehen {vi}
  to come in a rush
       to follow in rapid succession
  sich überstürzen (Ereignisse)
  to come in by this door
  zu dieser Tür hereinkommen
  to come in flocks
  in Scharen herbeiströmen
  to come in handy
  sich als nützlich erweisen
  to come in handy
  gelegen kommen
  to come in
       to arrive
       to be received
       einlaufen {vi} (Waren
  to come in
       to come inside
  to come in
       to come into
       hereinkommen {vi}
  to come into
  (Vermögen) erben
  to come into being
       to come into existence
  entstehen {vi}
  to come into bloom
       to burst into bloom
       erblühen {vi}
  to come into collision (with)
  in Kollision geraten (mit)
  to come into conflict
  aufeinander treffen
       in Konflikt geraten
  to come into conflict with so.
  in Zwiespalt mit jdm. geraten
  to come into contact with sb.-sth.
  mit jdm.-etw. in Berührung kommen
  to come into effect
  gültig werden
       wirksam werden
       in Kraft treten
  to come into operation
  in Gang kommen
  to come into power
       to take over the helm
  ans Ruder kommen
  to come into vogue
  in Mode kommen
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